
The 2017 NCAIR annual conference is March 13-15, 2017, and will be held at the 21c Museum Hotel, a very unique venue.   Located in the heart of downtown Durham and occupying the historic Hill Building, 21c Museum Hotel Durham is a 125-room boutique hotel, contemporary art museum, cultural civic center, and home to Counting House restaurant.

Hotel address:
21c Museum Hotel
111 Corcoran St
Durham, NC 27701

HOTEL RESERVATIONS: A room block is reserved at 21c Museum Hotel Durham, with a rate of $159 per night.  Reservations can be made online here: NCAIR.  The room block and discounted rate expire on February 19, 2017.  If you are booking rooms prior to the night of 3/12/2017, or beyond 3/15/2017, you will need to call the hotel at 919.956.6700 to make your reservation and reference reservation code NCAIR17.


Early-bird registration is $160 through February 19, 2017, and $200 afterwards.  The conference registration fee includes NCAIR annual membership dues.  Online conference registration is available here.  Payment options include credit card or check.


Monday, March 13 – Full-Day Intermediate Level IPEDS Training Workshop

  • IPEDS Data as the Public Face of an Institution raises the level of awareness among higher education professionals about the importance of accuracy and consistency in data reported to IPEDS. Examples of real IPEDS data used in the public domain will be incorporated, enabling participants to understand how IPEDS data are used by governmental and non-governmental entities. This module includes presentations, discussions, exercises and demonstrations utilizing IPEDS data tools and resources.
  • IPEDS Data and Benchmarking: Supporting Decision Making and Institutional Effectiveness is designed for participants with little to no experience in the area of conducting benchmarking studies or with the Use the Data section of the NCES website. This module introduces the fundamentals of creating benchmarks to measure institutional effectiveness. The module provides an overview of the types of comparison groups that can be constructed using IPEDS data, with examples of appropriate use. Participants will use actual data from the IPEDS Surveys, Data Feedback Reports, and the Use the Data section of the NCES website. Exercises and resources will demonstrate processes to establish key performance indicators and identify variables to refine comparison groups.


Monday, March 13 – Two Half-Day Workshops

  • Excel: Making it Easier to Push Boundaries
  • Introduction to Statistics for College Reporting
  • Additional information and registration is available here.


Conference participants are invited to submit proposals for concurrent session presentations and discussion groups.  Sessions are 45 minutes in length.  There are several subject areas from which to choose: Planning and Organizing, Research, Technology and Training, Assessment and Effectiveness, and Current Issues in Higher Education.  We encourage proposals aligned with the conference theme, The IR Frontier: Pushing Boundaries.  Electronic submission of conference proposals is available here.


Travel grant awards of up to $200 are available to both new members and active members.  Grant awardees also receive a waiver of the conference registration fee.  NCAIR’s travel grant policy can be viewed here.  Travel grant deadline is February 1, 2017.
Click here to apply for a 2017 NCAIR Conference travel grant.

The conference kicks off with a Welcome Reception at 5 pm on Monday, March 13th.  This is a great opportunity to catch up with colleagues after checking in.  The reception is followed by a keynote dinner address featuring three guest speakers who will share their research related to the North Carolina Community College Excellence in Research and Analytics Initiative:

bill_schneider brian_miller
Bill Schneider is the Associate VP for Research and Performance Management at the North Carolina Community College System. In this role, he oversees statewide community college research that informs planning, policy-making, and performance measure processes. Previous positions include Director of Institutional Effectiveness for Forsyth Tech Community College where he focused on assessing strategic goals, expanding institutional research functionality, facilitating a culture of evidence, and paying special attention to research associated with student retention and developmental education. Brian Miller, Ed.D., is the Director of Planning and Research and SACS liaison for Pitt Community College. He has worked as an instructor, administrator, and educational consultant in higher education for over 20 years. His research interests include organizational culture and climate, leadership styles and behaviors, and student success. He has presented his research at the state, regional, and national levels. He has contributed chapters to leadership textbooks and published research on his college’s Leadership Institute program. Brian is also a co-chair of the North Carolina Community College Excellence in Research and Analytics Initiative.
Pamela Federline is a 31-year public servant and veteran grant consultant with a portfolio of over $32 million in funded grants whose entire career includes work with public health, community, and educational strategic planning and assessment. She is currently the Director of the Office of Planning, Research and Effectiveness at College of the Albemarle and is President-Elect of the North Carolina Community College Planning and Research Organization. Pamela is also a co-chair of the North Carolina Community College Excellence in Research and Analytics Initiative.

2017 NCAIR Conference At‐A‐Glance schedule

For conference questions to Julie Santiago, Program Chair, at or


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