The Association for Institutional Research (AIR), the North Carolina Association for Institutional Research (NCAIR), and the South Carolina Association for Institutional Research (SCAIR), are co-hosting a one-day IPEDS Workshop for data providers and users in conjunction with the 2013 Joint NCAIR/SCAIR Conference. Funding is provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

IPEDS Workshop Highlights

  • Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC – March 2, 2013
  • Scheduled in conjunction with the 2013 Joint NCAIR/SCAIR Conference
  • Six hours of instruction taught by experienced practitioners from across the country
    • IPEDS Data and Benchmarking: Supporting Decision Making and Institutional Effectiveness- Module 1 is designed for participants with little to no experience in the area of conducting benchmarking studies or with the IPEDS Data Center. This module introduces the fundamentals of creating benchmarks to measure institutional effectiveness. The module provides an overview of the types of comparison groups that can be constructed using IPEDS data, with examples of appropriate use. Participants will use actual data from the IPEDS Surveys, including the IPEDS Data Feedback Report and Executive Peer Tool. Exercises and resources will demonstrate processes to establish key performance indicators and identify variables to refine comparison groups.
    • IPEDS Data and Benchmarking: Supporting Decision Making and Institutional Effectiveness- Module 2 is designed for participants familiar with the concepts of benchmarking and building comparison groups, the IPEDS surveys, and the IPEDS Data Center. This module focuses on practical applications for using IPEDS data in an institutional effectiveness (accreditation) self-study. Participants will use IPEDS survey data to create a benchmarking study, discuss specific research questions, and identify the types of comparison groups and key performance indicators that could address each. Exercises will focus on using the IPEDS Data Center to extract and analyze data.
  • Provided at no charge to participants
  • Includes workshop materials, breaks, and lunch
  • Participants may apply for travel assistance awards 

IPEDS Workshop Registration Request Process and Travel Assistance Awards

This workshop is limited to 40 participants. Should more than 40 people request to attend the workshop, preference will be given to individuals who are currently IPEDS Keyholders or State/System Coordinators. A web page containing additional information and an online registration request process will launch in December. Workshop participants will be able to request up to $500 to offset the cost of travel.



Phone:  850-385-4155 x202

Workshop Registration

Register for the Workshop (separate registration from the conference):