Morning Workshops: 10 AM – Noon
Morning Option 1: Introduction to SAS® Enterprise Guide®
This beginner’s workshop is for users who have little or no SAS programming experience but need to access, manage, and summarize data from different sources and present results in tables and graphs. The workshop focuses on using the menu-driven tasks in SAS Enterprise Guide, the point-and-click interface to SAS, to create: 1) queries filter and summarize data; 2) frequency and tabular reports; and 3) interactive graphs.
Morning Option 2: Documenting SACS Compliance with Microsoft Excel®
This workshop will demonstrate ways of using Microsoft Excel® to document compliance with SACS core requirements and comprehensive standards. For example, participants will use Microsoft Query® to join sample data sets in Microsoft Excel® to create tables that records the percentages of full-time (CR 2.8) and terminally-degreed faculty (CS 2.54).These tables are easily updatable at the beginning of each semester. Presented by Sandra Nicks Baker and Karen Price, Belmont Abbey College.
Lunch held on SAS® Institute Campus
Afternoon Workshops: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Afternoon Option 1: SAS® Certification Review: Base Programming for SAS®9
Are you interested in becoming a SAS® Certified Professional? As a SAS® programmer or technical manager working in industry or academia you are probably aware of the available educational tools which would increase your SAS® knowledge and enhance the career of your employees. SAS® certification is one such qualification which is available to users today. Since its original inception the certified professional program has undergone several transformations. The SAS® certified professional program currently offers five globally recognized certification tracks which are designed to test the skill set and knowledge base of SAS® users across a number of specific areas. There are two SAS® programming certifications (Base and Advanced) and three specialty tracks which focus on Web Development and Warehouse Technology. This presentation will begin to elucidate the “What”,”Why” and most importantly the “How” of the SAS® Certification Process.
Afternoon Option 2: Using Google Sites and Documents to Simplify an IR Office
During this workshop participants will learn how Google Sites® and Google Documents® can simplify and organize an IR Office. Presenters will demonstrate their own use of these resources and assist participants in setting up their own office Google Site®. Presented by Karen Price and Sandra Nicks Baker, Belmont Abbey College.