NCAIR’s Summer Drive-In will be held at the SAS® Campus in Cary, North Carolina on July 19, 2013. The following training opportunities will be offered, with a maximum capacity of approximately 80 in the “for beginners” session and 20 in each of the other sessions.
Schedule updated 7/15.[/note]
Morning Sessions (10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)
- Session 1 – Using and Creating Dashboards
- Session 2 – SAS for Beginners
- Session 3 – Reporting Automation with SAS – CANCELLED
Lunch (12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.)
Lunch will be complements of SAS.
Afternoon Sessions (1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.)
- Session 1 – Report Automation using Excel
- Session 2 – SQL for Beginners
- Session 3 – SAS for Beginners
The summer drive-in is offered complementary to the current NCAIR members. If you did not attend the annual conference, or if you have not renewed your NCAIR membership, the Summer Drive-In will only cost you the NCAIR annual membership fee of $25.00. New member renewals can be processed through summer drive-in registration by selecting “Require New Membership” on the “Membership Status” question.
Members and non-members alike may use our online registration system to register for the summer drive-in. New or renewing members should select “Require New Membership” on the “Membership Status” question. This will then show the total membership fee of $25 due for your attendance. Upon registering, you will be signed up for future emails that we send to our members.